Minions funny moments - Despicable 1 2 3 - Best scenes [Full HD]


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Minions funny moments - Despicable 1 2 3 - Best scenes [Full HD]
Minions funny moments - Despicable 1 2 3 - Best scenes [Full HD]

In this part, Gru and his newlyweds Lucy will face a tit-for-tat, a childhood star named Balthazar Bratt. Balthazar Bratt is an old-fashioned vocalist, but after matured, the show was closed down. He now thinks it is time to return to world domination and face Gru directly.

The minions and boss Gru will have a fierce new war and no less humor in "Despicable Me 3".

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Date Added: 2018-02-28

Category: TV-Movies

Watched 1320 times

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