Homemade Marshmallows Recipe Demonstration - Joyofbaking.com


Video Details

Recipe here: http://www.joyofbaking.com/candy/HomemadeMarshmallows.html Stephanie Jaworski of Joyofbaking.com demonstrates how to make Homemade Marshmallows. Have you noticed that marshmallows have gone gourmet? No longer do we have to content ourselves with those tasteless cylinder-shaped white blobs that come in a plastic bag. Oh, I know as kids we loved their spongy texture and sweet flavor. And who can deny how perfect they were for making rice crispy squares or S'mores. But for eating on their own, nothing compares to the sweet vanilla scented airiness of homemade marshmallows. You will find that once you start making your own there is no going back.

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Date Added: 2017-09-14

Category: DIY/Food

Watched 1180 times

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